A Handy Guide To Wildlife Control For New Haven Property Owners


Having a wildlife problem is a huge concern for New Haven property owners. Unless these pests happen to be pets, wildlife shouldn’t be welcome on your property, or else they might wreak havoc on your home, business, or family. 

Rodents, birds, and other wildlife can all cause serious health problems and property damage in New Haven, CT. Before your wildlife problem becomes impossible to manage, learn more about what attracts these pests and how to remove them.

Common Wildlife Problems In New Haven, CT

Connecticut is home to a diverse range of wildlife. Most of these animals mind their own business and don’t get anywhere near yours. However, there are a few different types of wildlife that love to cause problems and invade New Haven properties. Any of the following could get into your property:

  • Pigeons. Pigeons have gray feathers, round bodies, and bluish-green heads. Pigeons are common throughout the U.S., especially in urban areas. 
  • Raccoons. Raccoons are nocturnal, medium-sized mammals that often invade trash cans and cause property damage. These pests are only an issue at night, but their problems will have to be cleaned up in the morning.
  • Rodents. Mice and rats are both avid invaders of New Haven homes. Growing anywhere from 3 to 11 inches long, these pests can dissuade anyone from coming back to your property.
  • Squirrels. Also a type of rodent, squirrels deserve their own honorable mention because many people don’t realize the problems squirrels can cause.

All of these pests belong in the wild, but many of them try to move indoors, especially as the weather cools down. Nonetheless, a sign of an infestation from one of these animals should be handled immediately.

Problems Caused By New Haven Wildlife 

Wildlife can cause the following two problems in your New Haven property: property damage and the spreading of disease. Whether they intend to or not, wildlife can cause serious property damage. Rodents and birds can chew up your insulation, wires, and masonry, resulting in costly repairs if they aren’t dealt with promptly. Raccoons, meanwhile, can damage your trash cans, plants, and other decorations.

Worse are the diseases that wildlife can spread. Any of the above wildlife can spread diseases through their bites, their fecal matter, their steps, their ticks and fleas, and by getting into the food you have. Diseases from wildlife include hantavirus, salmonella, listeria, giardia, the plague, and rabies.

Finally, even if wildlife doesn’t cause these problems, they can still cause psychological stress. Wildlife has a tendency to linger around properties and pop out when you least want them to, so don’t risk letting the problem linger.

Connecticut Wildlife Prevention Tips 

How can you keep wildlife away from your New Haven home? The best way to deter a wildlife problem is to remove anything that could be attracting them. The biggest attraction to wildlife is trash. Wildlife often forages in human spaces, and that includes digging for food in trash cans. Store your trash indoors or keep it securely locked, otherwise, wildlife may try to move inside once they’re through with your dumpster.

Now is a good time to make sure your property doesn’t have any holes that pests can sneak into. Check your foundation for holes, and be sure to confirm that your vents and pipes are secure. Finally, if your property has any sort of foliage or plant life, keep it regularly maintained. Overgrown trees, grasses, and shrubs attract wildlife and could result in an indoor problem.

With these prevention measures in place, wildlife may stay outside. However, these pests are smarter than you might think. The most important prevention plan is the following: if an infestation moves into your New Haven household, contact the pest control professionals at Connecticut Pest Elimination. We’ll keep these pests from destroying your health and happiness. Reach out today if you have questions or need assistance with wildlife on your property!